A health freedom advocate shares her experience living and helping others in one of the devasted areas of WNC. Compare her experience with media coverage and learn how you can help.
Naomi Wolf's organization's research into the Pfizer documents reveals that despite our government's reassurances, pregnant women were not included in phases 1, 2 or 3 of the Pfizer Covid-19 trials. Here is the safety data that has been revealed.
Children’s Health Defense filed an amicus brief urging the North Carolina Supreme Court to overturn the dismissal of a case involving Tanner Smith, a 14-year-old who was given the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine against his will and without his parents’ consent.
Most NC parents are blissfully unaware of NC's minor consent law, which attorneys say is one of the worst in the country. Here's a resource you can share to help friends and family keep their children safe.
The dangerous protocols put in place during Covid not only caused tremendous loss of life, they caused the loss of many people's jobs and destroyed their trust in authority. In the 3rd article of our Forgiveness Series, learn the steps of forgiveness that one nurse took to regain her livelihood.
“Diet is one of the most powerful levers we have to manipulate our body’s physiology.” - Jethro Hu, MD, co-director of Neuro-Oncology at Cedars-Sinai.
Students enter the Pfizer trailer for an “escape-room-like” experience, working with Pfizer employees on a pandemic tabletop exercise ending in how to make a vaccine to distribute globally. “It just feels so wrong,” one critic — a teacher — told The Defender.
Ever wonder how the medical industry influences health freedom in NC? In working to overturn NC's dangerous child consent law, one of the worst in the country, we have had a glimpse into how the sausage is made. Learn what we're up against and how you can help.
A new school year is upon us. Each new year brings more concerns about government overreach and a reminder for parents to be vigilant in protecting their children. We provide you with warnings on what is happening in the schools and tips on what you can do to ensure your children remain safe.
In this 2nd article of our Forgiveness Series, you will be walked through the process of determining whom you need to forgive. Feeling hurt or resentment when you think of a specific person, group, business, government agency, or even yourself will assist you in creating your forgiveness list.
Lawyers have warned leaders of HEALNC that North Carolina has one of the most dangerous minor consent laws in the country. The danger is real -- we have recently learned of a tragic incident that might have been avoided had the teen's parents been aware that he had been receiving medical treatment.
Medical freedom made the front page of the Asheville Tribune! They reported on NC's shocking law that denies parents the ability to consent to controversial medical treatments. The sales rate for this issue was extremely high, and clicks on their website have also been high.
HEALNC is working with Stand For Health Freedom to expand our health freedom voter guide for November's Election. You can ask your local candidates to complete Stand For Health Freedom's candidate survey. Here's an easy way to do it.
The act of forgiveness is more than something nice we do for other people. Not only is forgiveness a loving gift you can give yourself, it has been scientifically proven to result in an overall improvement in physical and mental well-being.
We have an urgent situation in NC this week. Bottom line -- at this moment children of any age in NC are able to make their own medical decisions (including the decision to vaccinate) WITHOUT their parents’ knowledge or consent. Here's what you can do to stop this.
The HEALNC Newsletter celebrates its 1-year anniversary this month! We have reported breaking NC health freedom news not always available elsewhere. Check out some of our top stories this year.
Our VISION is to see all citizens of North Carolina obtain TRUE HEALTH.