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Kids and COVID Resources

FDA Sounds Alarm on COVID shots for kids: (behind a paywall)

Watch the "Kids and COVID: A Q&A for Parents" webinar:

World Council for Health:

Immunity Education Group:

The Unity Project, A Voice for America’s Youth - Families, business leaders, and other professionals working together to STOP COVID-19 vaccine mandates for healthy children K-12: (Note: Leadership team includes Dr. Peter McCullough, The Unity Project – Strategic Advisory Council Member, Dr. Robert Malone, Chief Medical & Regulatory Officer, Dr. Paul Alexander, Chief Scientific Officer, and Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Chief of Medical Ethics)

North Carolina Physicians for Freedom:

Paul Thomas, MD (Pediatrician):

Mark Hoch, MD (Holistic Integrative Physician):

Jessica Peatross, MD (Functional Medicine Specialist/Former Internal Medicine Hospitalist):

Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet:

Comprehensive Risk/Benefit Analysis for Administering COVID-19 Vaccines to Children:

Downloadable ebook from Children's Health Defense:

“A Mom's Guide to the COVID-19 Shot” ebook: (Free ebook with donation to MAMM.)


An interview with Pediatrician Larry Palevsky: