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James Lawrence, one of the top medical freedom attorneys in NC, recently alerted our community that the Department of Labor has granted a petition for a rule requiring NC employers to enforce masking and social distancing on their employees whenever the WHO, CDC, or governor declares a public health emergency. 

About the Rule:

The NC Department of Labor actually has two petitions for rules before them. One rule covers general industry, including construction employers. The other rule covers migrant housing facilities. We are concerned about both rules. However, we will focus on the first rule that covers every employer, employee and place of employment within the jurisdiction of the Occupational Safety and Health division of NC. (Click here to see the petitions, beginning on page 7:

The rule would require every employer to have a written plan, with considerations being made for their specific industry, that goes into effect when a public health emergency is declared by the WHO, CDC, or the NC governor. This plan includes steps employers must take regarding employees masking, distancing, and testing, if the business requires. PPE will be purchased and supplied to the employees by the employer. Medical exemption for masking was not mentioned in the proposed rule.

If an employee tests positive, the business is required to also have a procedure for alerting other employees who may have been in contact with that employee. The rule also demands employers have a return-to-work criteria established for employees who test positive or who worked alongside an employee who did, and allow telework when applicable. 

The plan also states that if an employer notices an employee exhibiting symptoms of the declared infectious disease, the employer must remove the employee from the workplace until they either test negative or meet the other return-to-work criteria already established. Employers will have to report to the Occupational Safety and Health division of North Carolina (OSHA) any work-confirmed cases of the infectious disease if their business falls under the mandatory reporting. Fatalities and hospitalizations will also have to be reported to OSHA.

Employers must also outline how they are mitigating the spread of any airborne infectious disease through sanitization measures, which can include things such as air filtration and physical barriers.

In addition to these onerous regulations, employers will be required to train all employees on how to wear, remove, clean, and store PPE properly while limiting what can be considered a “face covering.” Training will also have to include how the disease spreads, being sure to address the ways it could spread in their specific workplace.

Vaccination for this infectious disease scenario is already assumed, as the rule requires the employer to offer paid leave for an employee who wishes to receive the vaccine. The employer must not only allow time for this, but also for the side effects the employee may experience from the shot.


We have organized our strategy into four phases which are based on the rulemaking process set forward by the Rule Review Commission:

Phase 1: Attend public hearings about the proposed rule – The Department of Labor will be hosting two public hearings on January 23:



There are fifteen spots available at both hearings for people to share public comment in person. People can also share public comment on the video conferences (links above). They will fit as many 2-minute comments as possible in the allotted two hours for each hearing. Email and to register to speak either in person or virtually.


Please let us know if you will be testifying so we have a sense of how many health freedom testimonies they will receive. See our guide for help with formulating your testimony.

Phase 2: Now until March 4 - maximize the number of written statements – We encourage our followers to write personal letters to the Department of Labor (emailed to opposing the ruling. See our guide for help with formulating your letter.

Phase 3: Get the Rule Diverted to the Legislature – Unless the rule is dropped, we will be following the process of formally objecting to the rule and having it sent to the legislature for review. The rule will be diverted if we submit at least 10 formal “objection letters.” We will let you know how to submit a formal objection once the window opens for objections.

Phase 4: Influencing the Legislature – Once the rule is sent to the legislature, we will have a limited time to persuade our legislators to reject the rule or at least remove the power of the WHO, CDC, and governor.


What you can do:

  1. Follow our emails, texts and newsletters closely for more information as our strategy unfolds.
  2. Participate in the formal rulemaking process:
    • Attend one or both public hearings on Tuesday, January 23 (10:00 am and/or 1:00 pm, links above).
    • Submit your comments formally to the Department of Labor by March 4. Email your written comment to
    • In March or April we will let you know how to engage in our legislative outreach campaign. 
  3. SPREAD the word:
    • Share this article with everyone you know who is concerned about masking and social distancing mandates.
    • Talk with business owners you know. Ask them to join our coalition of business owners by emailing us at
    • Ask your friends to write to the Department of Labor. They can use our guide for help with writing their comment.


Adding Protection from Mask Mandates to H98 Medical Freedom Act – ACT NOW

With talk of mask mandates and the threat of vaccine mandates in the near future, there is hope of seeing improvements in HB98, The Medical Freedom Act. For example, the bill originally covered both masks and vaccines. However, our strong health freedom legislators had to negotiate out masks in order to garner the votes from moderate health freedom legislators needed to get it through.

Those moderate legislators now seem to understand the importance of including masks in the bill. But they need to hear your kind but urgent voices.

We are working with our friendly legislators to find a procedural method of making amendments at this stage in the legislative process where amendments are difficult but totally doable. When a way is found, we will ask for additional amendments. As currently written, the bill only protects public school/university students and government workers such as police, firemen, etc. We hope to add in masks, other vaccines, and coverage for private businesses and non-profits.

If you haven’t already participated in our campaign for mask choice, click the button to do so.

Once a procedure is found to amend for mask choice, we will campaign to expand the bill to other vaccines and coverage for private businesses and non-profit employees.

H586/S644 Yulia's Law (No CV19 Discrimination/Organ Transplantation)

Yulia’s Law, H586/S644 which prevents discrimination against organ transplant patients who are unvaccinated seems to be stuck in the Senate Rules committee. If you haven’t already participated in our campaign to move it through the Rules committee, click the button to do so.

Yulia Hicks, an adopted Ukrainian girl living in NC was denied a life-saving kidney transplant by Duke hospital nearly a year ago due to her parents' decision to decline the COVID shot despite natural immunity from previous infection. 

Yulia's parents, Lee and Chrissy, were in the national news. Fortunately, Yulia received her kidney transplant from ECU in May and is doing phenomenally well! 

In April, a bill was introduced in the House preventing discrimination based on COVID vaccine status for transplant patients. It easily passed with a bi-partisan super majority vote in early May- Yulia's Law-H586. Since then, it's been sitting in the NC Senate’s Rules Committee.  After inquiring with our friendly Senators, it seems that the Rules committee is unlikely to move the bill forward this session.  We speculate that this might be due in part to the Committee leader's connections and preference for big medicine/hospitals.

Let's let the Rules Leaders and Committee members know that this bill MUST be voted on in the Senate THIS session.  If you haven’t already, please participate in this campaign to request NC citizens be protected from such life-threatening rules in many NC hospitals.


We have four positive bills in the North Carolina General Assembly, and you can help advocate for those bills by submitting a testimony or statement about the impact that mandates have had on you or your family. Here are the details about the bills:

1.  The Medical Freedom Act (House Bill 98Senate Bill 121)

    • This bill is far from perfect as it only protects employees of government entities from COVID vaccine mandates. Businesses are not included.  It does, however, protect children in state schools and universities from the same mandates. 

2.  Parents’ Bill of Rights (Senate Bill 49, House version is in the works)

    • This bill is excellent in many ways. Perhaps the most forward looking part is that the bill gives parents control over surveillance of our children by requiring a parent’s prior written permission before a child’s biometric identification (anything from finger printing to DNA) can be collected and stored.
    • The media has labeled this bill the “Can’t say gay” bill, which is simply untrue. The senate bill simply says that sexuality and gender issues cannot be taught as part of the curriculum until the 5th grade. House sponsors of this bill plan to increase this to a higher grade level. If children ask a question about sexuality, the teachers are permitted to answer. The bill does not mention the words homosexuality or gay yet the media has created division around a bill that would otherwise be non-partisan.
    • We have requested that the sponsor of the House version of the bill add a notification of the right to a religious or medical exemption along with vaccine requirements and require that a parent be present for all medical services except in the case of emergencies.

3.  No CV19 Vaccine Mandates for NC Students (House Bill 222)

    • If this bill passes, students will not be made to take the CV19 vaccine to attend school in NC, in spite of the fact that the CDC has added it to the childhood immunization schedule.

4.  Health Care Freedom Act (Senate Bill 375)

    • This bill prevents medical practitioners from refusing to care for patients who have not received ANY vaccine. (Given how much money in insurance incentives pediatricians get for having fully vaccinated patients, it will be interesting to see if they come out against it. We'll keep you posted if this happens.)

Two other bills are in the works:
  1. A bill stating that NC is a sovereign state which does not answer to the CDC and WHO
  2. An all encompassing bill similar to Florida’s SB 222
Some of the highlights of this bill are:
    • The bill prevents vaccine mandates by private businesses and schools as well as government entities.
    • It makes the unvaccinated a protected class.
    • It prevents citizens from being required to participate in a vaccine registry.
    • Employers cannot discriminate against unvaccinated employees.

You can help get these bills passed by submitting a testimony/statement from you or a family member/friend about COVID vaccine injuries or hardships (e.g. job loss) caused by the vaccine mandates. We’re not only looking for personal impact but also the ripple effect of the mandates. For example, a teacher (police, firefighter, etc.) might be concerned about staffing shortages that would be exacerbated by mandates or a parent might plan to homeschool if mandates are put in place. Click HERE to submit your testimony/statement.

We’ll keep you posted about how things are progressing. We are getting excellent guidance from Stand For Health Freedom, and we will be in touch with you about strategic actions you can take at strategic times to help get these bills passed. Make sure you are signed up to get our emails. Thank you in advance for your testimony/statement if you have one.


The Haywood County Commissioners were slated to vote on the following amendment during their January 16, 2023 Board of Commissioners Meeting: 

Request approval of budget amendment - Public Health - $75,735 - to accept and appropriate funds for Agreement Addendum 716 CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program from Division of Public Health - Women's and Children's Health Section/Immunization Branch - to focus on removing obstacles to accessing vaccine, increasing vaccine confidence, coordinating COVID-19 vaccine services, and expanding Public Health's COVID-19 vaccination program

Several Haywood County residents made public comments urging the Board to vote "NO" on this amendment.  You can watch their public comments by clicking HERE.  The public comments are made in the beginning of the video.

The Board of Commissioners decided to table the vote until the next Commissioners Meeting on February 6, 2023 at 9AM.  This is a short-term victory.

We need for people to contact our county commissioners and tell them to vote NO.  People need to be sharing their stories of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths, especially those that have happened to Haywood County citizens.  If you live in another county, or state for that matter, you need to be aware that your county commissioners may also be getting this same additional funding for more vaccines and efforts to address vaccine hesitancy!  The agreement addendum specifically addresses targeting those under 18 and mentions "school-based vaccination.”  You can read the details of the addendum HERE.

PLEASE attend the next Haywood County Commissioners meeting (February 6 at 9am) and speak out!  We need to tell our commissioners NO and share stories about those we know who have been injured or killed by the COVID vaccines.  There have been many, and our commissioners need to know that! 

Haywood County Commissioner Contact Information:

Kevin Ensley
Jennifer Best
Brandon Rogers
Phone: 828-648-7772

Tommy Long

Terry Ramey


Children’s Health Defense and their State and International Chapters are joining citizens and organizations from all over the world for a WORLDWIDE WALKOUT on November 3.

Encourage everyone you know to join in by walking out of workplaces, schools, or shops that are restricting our freedom. Tell them to collaborate with co-workers to pick a time to walk off the job; take a sick day and pull their kids from school. Then, after you WALK OUT, get together with co-workers, fellow students, and friends for a WALK IN at a restaurant or other establishment that supports freedom.

We have 3 WALK IN options scheduled for the Raleigh area:
  • 10:00 a.m. – Fresh pressed juice at Raleigh Raw at 7 West Hargett in Raleigh
  • 12:30 p.m. – BBQ lunch at Big Al’s BBQ at 2920 Forestville Rd in Raleigh
  • 3:00 p.m. – Smoothies at Harmony Farms at 5653 Creedmoor Rd in Raleigh

If you can direct people to one or more pro-freedom establishments in your area for a WALK IN on Wednesday, please post the time and place in HEALNC social media on Telegram, Facebook (NC for Informed Consent) and/or Krunchola.

The potential headlines: Thousands of towns in America and around the world come to a standstill while doctors, nurses, educators, first responders, police officers, firemen, clerks, waitresses all walk out for freedom. Meanwhile, a handful of pro-freedom businesses have lines of enthusiastic customers.

Share this video message from the Chairman of Children's Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to encourage everyone you know to participate.
Never has there been a more important time to take action and protect our rights to stop this tyranny and government overreach. Be a defender of truth, freedom and health. Join us on November 3 for the WORLDWIDE WALKOUT and the NORTH CAROLINA WALK IN.


It’s been nearly two years and not once have We The People had the opportunity to directly express our concerns and thoughts about the COVID measures to our representatives in the form of public hearings. NC advocates have asked our legislators to hold public hearings and, thus far, we have been ignored.

In lieu of the public hearings that should have taken place at the General Assembly, PAVE and 2 Citizen Moms along with HEALNC are holding a Summit on Saturday, October 30, in Raleigh. Encourage your legislator to attend this important event by completing this Action Alert HERE. Get your own event tickets below.

The summit will give NC doctors, nurses, other medical professionals and citizens an opportunity to testify about issues such as:
    • Disparate treatment of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients
    • Doctors being threatened for “COVID misinformation” and for prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine 
    • Limiting doctors’ treatment options to only CDC protocols
    • The damage being caused by Remdesivir and ventilators 
    • Vaccine injuries and deaths and the lack of reporting to VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system)
    • Censorship of information on effective treatment options and vaccine side effects
    • The negative impact of masks on human health
    • Disparate treatment of unvaccinated medical staff
    • Refusal to honor medical and religious exemptions

The summit will also provide an opportunity for those injured by the COVID vaccine and hospital protocols to be heard.

It’s crucial for our legislators to attend this event! Please click HERE to invite your legislators to hear historic testimony and engage in an open discussion about ways to improve COVID outcomes and end the pandemic.

Thank you for everything you do to stand for health freedom. 

In solidarity,

Stand for Health Freedom and HEALNC

Would you like to attend this historic event too? Here are the details:

What: Medical Freedom Summit
Who: NC doctors, nurses, scientists, other healthcare workers and citizens
When: Saturday, October 30, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Oberlin Road, Raleigh, NC (the exact address will be sent upon registration)

Seats are limited and tickets are going quickly!

There will be an hour break for lunch. Feel free to bring your own food or visit one of the many nearby restaurants at the Village District (formerly Cameron Village). Light refreshments will be provided throughout the day.


MAMM (Millions Against Medical Mandates) and CHD (Children's Health Defense) have created a Citizen Petition of the FDA to revoke the EUA (Emergency Authorization Act) and prevent the licensing of the COVID vaccines. They are asking for everyone to participate by submitting a respectful comment on their petition. CHD and MAMM urge parents, healthcare practitioners, military members and others to comment and to share the comment link with friends and colleagues. Click on the links for MAMM and CHD for details.


Participate in this Petition by Lt. Governor Mark Robinson to Governor Roy Cooper to take a firm stand against Vaccine Passports in North Carolina!

​MONDAY 5/10 - H572 UPDATE

House Bill 572 passed the House today in a 75-28 vote. Representative Pittman's amendment to give liability protection to businesses was not included. The bill passed in time to cross over to the Senate. Our goal is to recruit one or more bill champions in the Senate who will push to amend the robust language of H558 into H572.  The good news is that H572 will provide a vehicle for that, and that the immediate time pressure is off, thanks to beating the Crossover Deadline. 

What should you do now? Educate your legislators on the reasons why we must retain the right to choose which medical interventions we are willing to take. Set up an appointment to meet with your NC Senator (not Tillis or Burr) either in person or virtually. Share what you know about H572 and find out whether your senator plans to vote for or against the bill. Ask what reasons he/she has for not supporting the bill, if that's the case. Please complete a Legislator and Aide Response Tracking form for each legislator you speak to (or from whom you get an email response). It's quick and easy. 

Take the time to educate your neighbors. They need to hear how serious this issue is. We must not let our state slip into medical apartheid.

With more and more businesses stating that COVID-19 vaccines will be required to use their services or frequent their establishments — and nearly 20 vaccine passport models under development nationwide — it’s crucial that North Carolina passes comprehensive health freedom legislation to protect its citizens!




On Monday, H572 is on the House calendar to be voted on starting at 4pm. No one can testify since it is going to be voted on. So everyone needs to get to Raleigh, if you can, to show support. You can be in the room but you can't talk. 

The bill sponsors have the right to add an amendment, but Tim Moore, Speaker of the House, can shut it down & say "out of order." The bill is expected to pass the House, so begin contacting your senator, letting him/her know to be watching for the bill and what things you wish to see added to the bill to have it be truly protective. See proposed amendments below.

We will meet at 3:30 in the front right quadrant of the Legislative Building (16 W. Jones Street), the lobby to the right after you pass through security. If you cannot arrive early, you will need to go directly to the public gallery on the third floor. When you go in the front door, after you go through security, go up the stairs that have the red carpet in the center. (Stay to the far right; no one may walk on the carpet.) If you need help, ask the guards or the ladies at the front desk. 


House Bill 572 (No Vaccine Mandate by EO, Rule, or Agency) passed the House Rules Committee on Thursday evening and is on the House Calendar for Monday's 4pm session. Make plans now to attend the session, if you are available. We will quietly, respectfully show our support for H572, acknowledging that it still needs the amendments listed below. You may wish to prepare a 1-3 minute comment, in case public testimony is allowed.

Keep contacting the Representatives below, as well as your Representative and Senator (, in preparation for when it reaches the Senate after May 13. Make sure you are letting your Representative and Senator know that the bill needs the amendments listed below. It is not too late to add them, even after the bill crosses over to the Senate.

Please complete a Legislator and Aide Response Tracking form for each legislator you speak to (or from whom you get an email response). It's quick and easy.

If you wish to be added to our text alerts for situations when we urgently need people to come to the Legislative Building in person, text HEALNC to (833) 268-0410, then reply with LB and your name. We need people who are ready to show up at a moment's notice. 

If you have questions, email us at 

The House Health Committee could not be swayed to hear HB 558.   As a result, it is not moving forward.

This morning, the House Health Committee heard a proposed committee substitute for HB 572, and it was passed by the Committee. 

HB 572 is "No Vaccine Mandate by EO, Rule, or Agency."   Essentially, it is Part 1 of HB 558.   The restrictions are very limited, and limited to government ONLY.   

HB 572 is scheduled to be heard by House Rules Committee at 5:30pm, approximately. You can view the livestream here
UPDATE: HB 572 passed the House Rules Committee and is on the House calendar for Monday's session beginning at 4pm.

The other bills (779, 686, and 876) do not have the forward motion to get through May 13 crossover.

​Your job today through May 13 crossover is to contact via email, phone, social media, and in person the following Representatives:

Rep. Moffitt

16 West Jones Street, Rm. 2215

Raleigh, NC 27601-1096

Rep. Kidwell


16 West Jones Street, Rm. 1206

Raleigh, NC 27601-1096

Rep. Lambeth

300 N. Salisbury Street, Rm. 303

Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

Rep. White

300 N. Salisbury Street, Rm. 307

Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

​to convince them to:

1. add the private sector prohibition on vaccine mandate and passports from HB 558 to HB 572 


2. add a section to HB 572 that imposes liability for all harm, damages, injury, illness, or death when an employee, customer, patron, visitor, guest, or other member of the public is mandated to take a COVID-19 vaccination or series of vaccinations.

If you learn anything from the legislators you contact/call, please report it on our Legislator and Aide Response Tracking System:

Be respectful.   Do not threaten or insult them. 

We need to be taken seriously, to be heard, and to be effective in a very short time.

Time is of the essence.

Please share this Call to Action with everyone. 

Once freedom is lost, it cannot be regained.


Our Next Mission is to Demand Answers

On Monday, 5/3, please call and use social media to contact with these questions:

    1. What is the name of the private company under contract with the State of North Carolina to develop and roll out vaccine passports or vaccine IDs?
    2. Is the contract sole source? Or, was it open for bid? 
    3. In what month did the contract begin? 
    4. How much is the company paid under the contract? 
    5. What day do Roy Cooper's vaccine passports/vaccine IDs roll out for use by North Carolina government and private sector?

    Be direct. Be persistent. Do not take "no" for an answer. 



    Roy Cooper & Kristen Cooper





    Mandy Cohen




    Lisa Granberry Corbett, DHHS General Counsel


    Elizabeth Tilson, State Health Director



    Charles Carter, IT Planning and Operations

    Sam Gibbs, Deputy Secretary for Technology and Operations


    Immunization Branch

    Pyreddy Reddy, Privacy and Security Office

    Iris Cooper, Contracts and Procurement



    Source: NCC4CR (North Carolina Citizens 4 Constitutional Rights) 

    The mission of NCC4CR is to challenge through litigation Governor Cooper's "Declaration of a Public Heath Emergency" and all subsequently issued Executive Orders and resulting actions. Please visit their website and support their efforts!


    The House Health Committee is meeting on Tuesday, May 4 at 10am. INTENTIONALLY OMITTED from the agenda is HB558.

    Tonight, all weekend, and all day Monday, please EMAIL the 5 REPUBLICAN Health Chairs and Speaker Moore with the following message:

    I DEMAND that the Health Committee hear HB558 in its entirety on May 4 and VOTE YES on HB558 its entirety.

    Tonight, all weekend, and all day Monday, please USE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA to connect with the 5 REPUBLICAN Health Chairs and Speaker Moore with the following message:

    I DEMAND that the Health Committee hear HB558 in its entirety on May 4 and VOTE YES on HB558 its entirety.

    On Monday, please GO IN PERSON to the General Assembly to the offices of the 5 REPUBLICAN Health Chairs and Speaker Moore to tell each:

    I DEMAND that the Health Committee hear HB558 in its entirety on May 4 and VOTE YES on HB558 its entirety.

    All day Monday, please CALL, EMAIL, and USE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA to connect with the 5 REPUBLICAN Health Chairs and Speaker Moore with the following message:

    I DEMAND that the Health Committee hear HB558 in its entirety on May 4 and VOTE YES on HB558 its entirety.



    Tim Moore (R) (Speaker) 919-733-3451
    Donna White (R) 919-733-5605
    Kristin Baker (R) 919-733-5861
    Donny Lambeth (R) 919-733-5747
    Larry Potts (R) 919-715-0873
    Wayne Sasser (R) 919-733-5908



    URGENT: Please share this information with every business owner and individual in North Carolina. 

    H558 is a landmark health freedom bill that not only protects against mandatory vaccinations, it also protects all North Carolinians from discrimination based on their vaccination history and status.

    FIVE REPUBLICANS ON THE HOUSE HEALTH COMMITTEE plan to GUT THE ENTIRE BILL (down to just Part 1). Why wouldn't Republicans want to protect our individual freedoms? We are asking people to call, email, and visit the 5 Chairs of the Health Committee and Speaker Tim Moore in person.  The passage of this bill is vital to the future of North Carolina, maintaining our rights to self-determination, and governing our OWN BODIES.

    Get Speaker Tim Moore and the 5 REPUBLICAN Health Committee Chairs on the the record for H558 in its entirety, OR that they support only Part 1, which offers no protections at all for anyone.

    Tim Moore (R) (Speaker) 919-733-3451
    Donna White (R) 919-733-5605
    Kristin Baker (R) 919-733-5861
    Donny Lambeth (R) 919-733-5747
    Larry Potts (R) 919-715-0873
    Wayne Sasser (R) 919-733-5908


    To subscribe to get email updates from the House Health Committee go here and click on the Meeting notices by email link. You can subscribe to any of the committees listed at

    If you would like to better understand what is happening in NC right now, please click here to watch Mindy and Tara on Monday's episode of Steve Noble Radio. Of course, they did this interview before they got word that the Republicans were planning to GUT 558...

    Thank you to all of you who have ACTIVELY worked to advocate for our freedom and against government and private sector (community business) injection mandates.

    If you have never made a call, sent an email, or made a visit to the North Carolina General Assembly, we encourage you strongly to do so today. The torch of liberty is dying on our watch.  May it never be said that we allowed it to be extinguished while we remained silent. 

    ​​​Legislative Action Day Details

    What:  Join us to show support for H558, the most comprehensive and vital piece of legislation in the fight for medical freedom in North Carolina.  Speak with your house representative, then join others congregating around the building and grounds.

    When: Tuesday, May 4 • 9 AM — 4 PM

    Where: North Carolina Legislative Building 
    16 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601

    Paid parking is available at the following visitor lots:
    Lot 1 - 140 E. Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 (Entrances on Jones & Edenton Streets)
    Lot 2 - 329 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh NC 26703 (Entrances on McDowell and Salisbury Streets)
    Lot 3 - 120 W. Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 (Entrance on Edenton Street)
    Lot 4 - 227 E. Edenton Street, Raleigh NC 27601 (Entrance off Jones Street)

    Additional information:
    • We suggest arriving a little before 9 AM.  We will greet you in front of the legislative building.  Look for our HEAL NC logo.
    • If the bill is heard by the health committee, we will need as many people as possible to go in to the gallery for the Health Committee meeting at 10 AM (posters not allowed inside - see below for additional info).  We will let you know that morning.
    • If the health committee gallery is full, we will gather in the outer areas.
    • Legislators' offices can be found on these maps of either the Legislative Building or the Legislative Office Building:
    • We strongly suggest that you make an appointment to speak with your local legislator during the day.  If you are unable to acquire an appointment, you may still stop by their office and leave a message, note, or card with their assistant regarding your position. Find your own legislators:
      Pictures, contact info for House members:
      Pictures, contact info for Senate members:
    • Also plan to stop at the offices of the members of the health committee. You might consider printing out and bringing along educational materials to leave outside the door, if the representative is not in that day. Click here for a long list of articles you can select from and print for leaving with legislators.
    • Masks are not required inside the legislative building, however we suggest you bring them as some legislators require them for entry into their office.
    • There are restaurants nearby, or feel free to pack a lunch. 
    • There will be a stage set up outside and multiple speakers throughout the day, however the schedule is fluid at the moment. 

    Information Regarding Signs:
    • A limited number of signs and buttons will be available or you may bring your own.
    • Please do not make politically oriented posters, as this is a non-partisan issue and event.
    • Signs mounted on hand sticks are not permitted.
    • Posters are not allowed at the Health Committee meeting. (We suggest rolling up your poster and securing with a rubber band during this portion of events.)

    Ride Sharing:
    For ride share information from Western NC, click here. Coming from other parts of the state? Email to see if others in your area are ride sharing. Include your name, county, number of people (including number of kids), and if you are willing to be the driver.

    Talking points:
    See talking points below. We'll keep updating talking points here, so check back regularly. Don't feel like you have to memorize them all. This is just to get you better prepared to answer any challenges to why we need this bill to pass.


    ​Talking points related to this CALL TO ACTION:

    • H558 is not a partisan issue for North Carolina.   
    • North Carolinians from far right to far left and everywhere in between support the entirety of H558. 
    • The entirety of H558 protects all of us. Citizens who took only one shot because they experienced side effects. Citizens who took the shots and don't wish to take a "booster" in 6 months or a year or every year in perpetuity. They have the same status as everyone who chooses not to take a shot.
    • A mandate, passport, verification, and any other requirement to prove that someone took a shot, by government and any private sector entity (grocery stores, universities, churches, concert halls, employers, etc), creates two classes of North Carolinians. Each class will have different rights from the other. One class will be discriminated against in every aspect of their lives. 
    • North Carolinians have suffered greatly over the last 16 months as a State, as communities, and families.
    • We simply cannot be divided further on the basis of a shot, which is and must always be a personal, individual choice.   
    • North Carolinians are not "vaccine hesitant."  Each made an informed choice not to take a shot.   
    • H558 in its entirety protects families throughout North Carolina whose family members made different choices about the shot. 
    • When government and private sector mandate a shot, passport, or other verification, the entire family will not be able to eat in a restaurant, attend a religious service, shop in a store, attend a sporting event, go to a graduation, wedding, or funeral, or do anything else together.   
    • The importance of H558 in its entirety cannot be understated.  If it fails, what mandate will be next?   
    • Once freedom and choice are lost, we can never regain them.   

    Below are more talking points regarding the unconstitutional, unethical, and unnecessary realities of Vaccine Passports that can be used to make public statements at hearings, phone calls, or to act as a foundation to draft your own letters. Usually, when calling legislators, it's best to have a short statement ready to leave as a voicemail or as a message for their assistant to pass along to them. 

    Vaccine passports are: 

    1.    Unconstitutional: 

    • Any general requirement of proof of “vaccines for travel” imposes unequal burdens on un-vaccinated travelers. Even if not an absolute requirement, imposing extra costs like quarantines for refusing the vaccine is obviously a way of coercing people into taking it. 

    • Every one of the current Covid-19 vaccine on the market is tainted somehow with abortion - an abhorrent practice to many with strongly held religious beliefs. Limiting participation in everyday activities for refusing to partake in the practice - even peripherally - is a violation of the religious freedom protected by the First Amendment. 

    • A “vaccines for travel” policy automatically creates a two-tier society, divided into the vaccinated, who could travel freely, & the un-vaccinated – whose travel privileges are revoked. Think about what that means for social and legal equality and the future and stability of an avowedly democratic society. 

    • Vaccine passports are not just about COVID-19: they are about introducing global health surveillance and coercive medical interventions, that fundamentally shift the traditional voluntary relationship that should exist between individuals and those in power. 

    • Privacy violations continue to pile up – with public announcements and tracking of one’s immune status, testing status, health, medical and religious beliefs. 

    • A world in which the government (no longer of the people, by the people, for the people) closely monitors citizens’ healthcare choices and effectively bans healthy citizens from full social participation because they weigh the risks of a vaccine differently or decline a proposed course of treatment is cruel, intolerant, unconstitutional and illegal. 

    • Any private medical information that could be used against citizens to incentivize, monetize or in any way prevent travel or movement does not belong in the hands of the government. 

    • Vaccination passports would discriminate based on physical condition, a violation of the right to Human Dignity. 

    • There is no liability for injury and death associated with Covid-19 vaccinations which infringes on Seventh Amendment rights right to a jury trial. Without liability, there are literally no consumer safeguards. 

    • Mandating a medical procedure with “death” as a known and listed possible side effect violates constitutionally protected right to life and due process. 

    2.    Unethical: 

    • This coercive policy is unethical, not based in sound science and violates the medical ethical doctrine of informed consent, in which a patient has the right to accept or decline – without being coerced. There is a long history on this matter, beginning with the Nuremberg Trials. 

    • From December 14, 2020 through March 19, 2021 the US Government received 2,050 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. While these deaths may be considered completely coincidental and unrelated by those in charge of safety, no person should be coerced into undertaking even a perceived medical risk. 

    • Reported vaccine injuries must be taken seriously, and where there is medical risk, there must be voluntary consent without coercion. 

    • Removal of liability removes a necessary market indicator of safety: litigation. Litigation in open court with unimpeded discovery is necessary to ensure product safety. 

    • Government safety monitoring systems are woefully inadequate, relying on outdated and passive reporting systems. Medical professionals are ill-equipped in identifying and reporting vaccine injury - another impediment to safety monitoring. The true safety profile of these drugs will take years to determine through epidemiological study. 

    • A study commissioned by the CDC and conducted by Harvard Pilgrim HMO concluded that less than 1% of all vaccine injury and death are reported. The true safety profile of these drugs will take years to determine through epidemiological study. 

    • Passive reporting systems fail to account for deaths: the deceased do not report. The underreporting of injuries and and especially deaths assumes a safety profile. Mandating a medical procedure without an accurate safety profile is not only unethical but criminal. 

    • Current Covid-19 vaccines are issued under Emergency use Authorization - by law individuals can refuse their use. To withhold goods, services, and travel for not participating in a medical procedure is a human rights violation. 

    • Doctor/healer advice which must be based upon trust, becomes a doctor order and a command without trust or respect for each human’s sovereign rights. Natural health choices and alternatives (such as dietary supplementation, homeopathy, and religious practices) are being simultaneously threatened by regulations when there is nothing more personal or private than how one cares for their body. Your office would do well not to encourage such practices. 

    • If you have scientific grounds for placing your faith in these vaccines, you should be perfectly able to convince people – especially those most at risk – to take them through rational persuasion rather than by coercion and incentives. 

    • Emergency orders and all health measures must respect the voluntary consent of the human being. Powers should be of limited duration, for exceptional circumstances and use the least intrusive, least restrictive means. 

    • Warnings and risks – especially with experimental genetic technology – must be taken into account. 

    • How these vaccines will affect people in coming months or years is unknown. The risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is real, i.e. that vaccinated individuals exposed to new viral strains may be at increased risk compared to those who have not been vaccinated. This potentially lethal risk is well-known to vaccine experts and is one of the main reasons why vaccine manufacturers refuse to accept liability for future injuries and deaths. 

    • There are critical unknowns about COVID-19 vaccination efficacy on transmission, duration of protection against severe disease and asymptomatic infection, duration of immunity (following infection or vaccination), long-term protection after using different vaccination intervals, protection after a single dose, and vaccination regimes.

    3. Unnecessary: 

    • To say that only those who are vaccinated may travel and congregate implies that those who are not vaccinated are somehow infectious which is not true. Covid-19 vaccines are being administered with Emergency Use Authorization. 

    • If the vaccine works as intended, the vaccinated should not be concerned with anyone else’s vaccination status. 

    • Studies have identified individuals who are at significant risk of adverse effects of Covid-19. The vast majority of the population are not at risk for severe outcomes of SARS-Cov-2 infection meaning vaccination for the general public is not necessary. 

    • A “vaccines for travel” policy is premised on the erroneous assumption that public health requires total vaccination of a population. Immunity is not even well understood with the virus, and not established yet for the vaccine. Under normal circumstances, so-called “herd immunity thresholds” can normally be reached through a mix of pre-existing, naturally acquired, & vaccine-based immunity. There is absolutely no need for universal vaccination – especially if many have already recovered. 

    • If you have scientific grounds for placing your faith in these vaccines, you should be perfectly able to convince people – especially those most at risk – to take them through rational persuasion rather than by coercion and incentives. 

    • Coerced vaccinations will only raise more heightened consumer concerns. 

    • The number one indicator of severe outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection is age, second is significant co-morbidities including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. Vaccination outside these populations should be a choice. For the vast majority of individuals, infection is mild making vaccination unnecessary.