HEALNC Newsletter Celebrates 1-year Anniversary: Check Out Our Most Popular and Groundbreaking Articles

06.18.24 08:08 PM - Comment(s)

HEALNC Newsletter Celebrates 1-year Anniversary: Check Out Our Most Popular and Groundbreaking Articles

HEALNC launched this newsletter in June 2023 to provide information about local NC health freedom news, local events and natural living. We are thrilled to have provided you with critical information about what's happening in NC, such as updates on the mask rule considered by the NC Department of Labor and, most importantly, about NC's child consent law that allows children of any age to make their own medical decisions without their parents' consent.

Following are some of our most popular and important articles:

NC Health Freedom News

NC Law Paves Way for Pharma to Control Children's Healthcare Without Parental Consent   *A MUST READ!

NC Pushing Back on the WHO Pandemic Treaty  

NC Poised to Mandate Masks and Social Distancing on Workers  

Are NC School Based Health Centers a Benefit to Families or to Pharma?

Everything You Need to Know About the HPV Vaccine Litigation

Who is Mandy Cohen?


NC Doctors and Lawyers Fighting for Health Freedom

Meet NC Medical Freedom Hero, Dr. Cammy Benton  

NC Law Firm, Envisage Law, Represents High Profile Medical Freedom Clients   

NC Pediatrician Embraces Medical Freedom

Winston-Salem Integrative Medical Practice Now Offers Wellness Care to Pediatric Patients


Natural Living Articles

Childhood Vaccine Schedule Swells to 90 Doses  

The Truth About Mammograms  


Do you enjoy researching and writing?

We are looking for 1 or 2 people to join our newsletter team to help us research and/or write articles about NC news. For example, several cities in NC are working to become a "Smart City." We'd love to have you help us research and/or write about this topic (and more) so we can expose corruption in NC and push back.

If you are interested, please email us a little about yourself and why you're interested at info@healnc.net.