How I Discovered that Medical Freedom Matters

11.17.23 12:26 PM - Comment(s)

How I Discovered that Medical Freedom Matters

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

December 2019 seems like it can barely be seen in the rear-view mirror. The world as we know it was about to take a turn for the worse, and we never even saw it coming. Covid-19 arrived on our door step and brought along many unsavory characters: mask mandates, shutdowns, shelter-in-place and the one that claimed to be the "cure all, end all"--the “vaccine.”


Fast-forward to March 2020, the dawn of compliance with the assurance of “two weeks to flatten the curve.” When two weeks turned into two months, and two months more, and continued to drag on, it made me take pause and begin to question, what is really going on here? The powers that be were taking us on a long drive to nowhere, with detours, road blocks, potholes, and traffic jams. If we had only known then what we know now.


Pre-Covid, I did not have suspicions that the overall state of healthcare in our country was under attack. There was an awareness that things were changing, as doctor visits were dictated more by the direction of the insurance companies than they were by the physicians themselves. Maybe things like this remained off the radar screen because I have been fortunate enough not to have to go to the doctor very much, with the exception of my annual "wellness" visit. I think that sometimes awareness comes when what is happening in the world affects you personally, and we were all impacted personally at some level by the events of 2020.


When it became apparent that what was happening was beyond anything we have experienced before, friends began to share information from various articles, newsletters, and podcasts. The amount of information that is available is overwhelming at times, but it brought me to the realization that our government lied to us on many fronts. I began to hear the phrase "follow the money," and "big pharma" was given huge amounts of tax payer’s money to fund the Covid vaccine program.


What happened during the Covid years, for the most part, was based on manipulation and deception. Vaccines that were sold as "safe & effective" are actually toxic to human beings. There is mounting evidence that will bring continued awareness to this and so much more. Our rights and God-given freedoms, our healthcare, our food sources, and our liberties are all under attack. A global agenda sounds like something that comes out of Hollywood, but unfortunately, this reality grows much closer to home with each passing day.


Healing involves the reality that something is wrong. So many of us have this underlying feeling that things are not right, but not quite sure what to do about it. What is next and where do we go from here? Is there an exit ramp to get us off this road to nowhere?


My personal experience over these past couple of years has been to make every effort to stay informed and learn as much as I can. I believe the challenge that lies ahead is to share information that you believe gives people an insight to the reality of changes that are in play. Some of you have been on the front line so to speak for many years, but many of us have joined the battle due to recent events. My hope is that people will be mindful of sharing what we learn and extend invitations and accept invitations to listen to a podcast, read an article, or go to an event. Some roads may lead down a rabbit hole, and others will bring a wealth of truth and knowledge.


Staying connected, meeting new people, joining organizations, and sharing your new-found resources with others seems more important now than ever before. I have discovered that by taking the time to read articles and listen to podcasts, there will be links and references to additional resources. That is how I came to discover HEALNC! Anytime I come across information that I think would benefit others, I take the time to share, and they take the time to share, and more people are becoming aware. It takes courage to step outside the box and be a part of change. Reaching out to others may be the catalyst that could change everything, one person at a time. If we don’t start now, then when?


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