Many Health Freedom Candidates Won their Primaries: Next Step - Vet our Local Candidates

04.19.24 09:36 AM - Comment(s)

Many Health Freedom Candidates Won their Primaries:  Next Step - Vet our Local Candidates

Health Freedom Candidates Win Primary!

Several months ago Stand for Health Freedom sent North Carolina candidates a survey gauging their support for medical freedom. If the candidate responded favorably to the questions, they were evaluated further. A team of advocates reviewed the candidate's website, their voting record, articles written about them, and more. Some candidates were interviewed. 

Half of the candidates that Stand for Health Freedom endorsed won their race. As most of you reading this already know, there was a time in the "not too distant past" that candidates wouldn't talk about health freedom or vaccines, This is a huge step in the right direction!

The key now is to get these primary winners elected during the general election in November. Please read to the end to learn a simple way you can help with the general election in November.

Though HEALNC is a non-partisan organization, the reality is that the candidates who completed the survey were Republican. Because of this, the purpose of the primary was to find the best Republican candidate for the general election in November. 

There were a few key races that HEALNC wants to highlight: 

Candidate for NC Governor, Mark Robinson: Although the Republican candidate who was endorsed for governor didn't win, all is not lost. Lt. Governor Mark Robinson did win, and although he didn't complete the survey, many consider him to be a proponent of health freedom. 

Candidate for NC Attorney General, Dan Bishop: Those who know Dan Bishop, winner of the Republican primary, say that he is perhaps the most knowledgeable candidate about health freedom.

Candidate for Labor Commissioner, Luke Farley: Who would have thought that the labor commissioner is of great importance for health freedom until the Department of Labor recently considered a petition to require employers to require masks? Fortunately, our current labor commissioner, Josh Dobson, declined the petition to require employers to require masks and social distancing. However, he is not running again. We had two great candidates for this role, Jon Hardister and Luke Farley. Although Hardister is strong on health freedom, Luke Farley is more acutely aware of the depth of the issue. Luke Farley was the victor.

Candidate State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Michele Morrow: After Covid, we have seen that our children are even more vulnerable to masking and pressure to vaccinate in the schools. In addition, the new trend toward School Based Health Centers and NC's laws that give children of any age the right to consent to vaccines, psychiatric medications, birth control, and more, it is extremely important that we have a strong state superintendent. Fortunately, strong candidate, Michele Morrow, won!

Candidate for State House District 48, Dr. Ralph Carter: Dr. Carter is perhaps the strongest candidate for NC House or Senate as he has called for a moratorium on Covid-19 Vaccines & for their exclusion from the NC childhood vaccine schedule.

Other Health Freedom Candidates Who Won:

  • Commissioner of Insurance  Mike Causey

  • US House - Alan Swain

  • State House 62 - John Blust

  • New Hanover County School Board - Natosha Tew

  • Wake Co. Commissioner District 6 - Jacob Arthur


NOW is the time to prepare for the November General Election and YOU can help!

For the general election, HEALNC would love to help Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) vet a much wider variety of candidates, down to the most local level. This is where you come in! Finding the candidates in your area and sending them the Stand for Health Freedom Survey will help to build a comprehensive list of potential medical freedom office holders in North Carolina.

The sample ballots for NC will be released soon. If you would like to help vet candidates in your area by emailing them the SHF candidate survey, please respond HERE. Once the sample ballots are released, we will contact you with everything you need to know so you can help SHF survey the candidates in your area.