Back to School: Landmines to Watch For

08.18.24 05:48 PM Comment(s)

Back to School: Landmines to Watch For

by HEALNC with contributions from Stand For Health Freedom

A new school year is upon us. Each new year brings more concerns about government overreach and a reminder for parents to be extra vigilant in protecting their children. 


We wanted to provide you with some warnings on what is happening in the schools this year and tips on what you can do to ensure your children remain safe. 


1) No shots, no school is not true. One of the biggest misconceptions that continues to confuse parents is that vaccines are mandatory to attend school. All NC public schools must accept a religious or medical exemption. Visit HEALNC's website to learn more and to download a sample religious exemption. 


2) Children are being surveyed and assessed for non-academic purposes. Did you know that our children are increasingly subjected to surveys during school hours? And the information being collected is not directly related to their education, but instead features questions about their mental health as well as their home life and their belief systems. The mental health information is being used to move more children into profitable psychiatric drugs. In addition, because of the U.N. agenda to make schools a "community home," many parents rightly object to questions about their personal life. It is the role of parents, not the school, to shape a child’s moral and/or religious beliefs.


According to journalist Alex Newman, schools around the country are asking young children questions that might be construed as grooming because they normalize certain behaviors. Some of the questions that have been reported are:

1) How many sexual partners have you had? 1, 5, 10, more than 20?

2) How many drugs have you taken?

3) How many alcoholic beverages do your parents drink?


Privacy is the underpinning of individual liberty. Surveys and health care without parents present are detrimental to your family’s privacy. Have a conversation with your child about being aware of service providers and outside educators at school. Wise parents are telling their children to opt out of any surveys or health assessments and to let them know if anyone asks personal questions or talks to them about their emotions or health.


3) Minors can say "yes" to medical treatment without your knowledge. In NC, a child of any age can consent to a range of controversial therapies such as vaccines, birth control, psychiatric drugs, and "gender affirming" counseling without parental knowledge or consent. Check out our recent article about NC's shocking minor consent law, which is considered one of the worst in the country.


4)School Based Health Centers are being implemented across North Carolina.

There is an alarming movement afoot in public education, the establishment of School Based Health Centers (SBHC). SBHCs are a partnership between public schools and local healthcare organizations to offer care that includes but is not limited to primary care, mental health, oral health, and vision services. A copy of the SBHC contract can be obtained by calling your local school administration office. 


There are approximately 90 SBHCs currently in North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) reports that in July 2024 it received a $2.5 million grant from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to expand its School Based Health Center services. 


Attorney Nicole Johnson, co-director of theGeorgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice, is sounding the alarm on these health centers, warning parents that they may have no insight into the medical and behavioral services that their children could receive at their school. In addition, NC-based attorney Justine Tanguay warns that parents may be providing their consent for these services without understanding what they are signing. She said, "This year, many schools will be sending home blanket consent-to-treat forms for parents to sign." These forms are not for basic treatments by a school nurse.


Cyndi O’Brien, former K-12 Counselor, Teacher, and Whistleblower, corroborates Tanguay's warning. She attended a US Department of Health and Human Services sponsored webinar on School Based Health Alliances Community Schools, and consent forms were addressed. According to the information provided in the webinar, parents sign only one consent form at the beginning of the year that gives the centers permission to administer any health services to their children for the rest of the year. 


SBHCs may actually be a Trojan Horse for medical tyranny.


In her podcast episode titled, "Are Community Schools the Back Door to Community Health," Cyndi highlights alarming information she learned during the webinar: 

  • 49 states already have SBHCs. They start small, but the aim is to make them fully functioning health centers. California and Washington already have fully-functioning centers.

  • All centers offer well-child exams, immunizations, dental and optometry services, and behavioral health services.

  • There was an emphasis in the webinar on STD testing, which prompted Cyndi to do additional research. She discovered that these health clinics offer reproductive services, gynecological exams, gender affirming care, pregnancy testing, and contraception.

  • For students who attend schools without health centers, there is sometimes transportation provided during the school days to take students to schools that have health centers.

  • Telehealth will be a service provided, especially for behavioral health and primary care and for those who don't have health centers at their schools.

  • Centers have begun creating contracts with pediatricians so that children can be seen at the clinic and then told to follow up with their pediatrician.

  • Webinar hosts emphasized how to obtain and retain buy-in for the creation of these centers. He said that upper level staff must be contacted and met with often. People running the centers should attend faculty and staff meetings.


In addition to these disturbing facts, Cyndi reveals that Melinda Gates and Mackenzie Scott have contributed $25 million to SBHCs. Other funders of these health clinics include Big Pharma, Walgreens, the CDC, Planned Parenthood, and the National Teachers Union. 


North Carolina parents, as you send your children back to school this year, here are some ways to protect you and your children from this terrible agenda:

  1. Call your local school BEFORE you sign any consent papers for your children to receive treatment to find out if your school offers this service. You may also request a copy of the contract your school has with the local healthcare organization.

  2. As mentioned above, keep in mind that because of NC's extreme minor consent law, your child can legally consent to vaccines and other controversial therapies without your knowledge or consent. Teach your child to never accept medical treatments without you present. The only exceptions are having a temperature taken and receiving adhesive bandages.

  3. Read everything that comes home in your child’s homework folder and paperwork.

  4. Let your voice be heard by emailing or calling your state and local officials, as well as school officials, to let them know you object to the School Based Health Centers.

  5. Stay in constant contact with your school board and other school officials regarding your concerns about the School Based Health Centers.

  6. Have frequent, candid, and open conversations with your children.

  7. Read the fine print on all forms you are asked to sign. 

  8. Even if you homeschool, stay vigilant about situations where your child is vulnerable, such as emergency rooms or with family members who do not share your views on health care.

We must all join together to protect our children at this critical time! And if you can, consider pulling your child out of public education.