Pregnancy and Covid Vaccines: What You Should Know

10.19.24 09:04 AM - Comment(s)

Pregnancy and Covid Vaccines: What You Should Know

It was the late 1980s, and I was pregnant with my daughter. My husband and I were excited about the future with our growing family. Upon my first maternity visit, in addition to other information, the doctor gave me instructions to be wary of taking any medications. I wasn’t taking prescription medications; however, my doctor also warned me about over-the-counter medications. She said that I should not even take acetaminophen (Tylenol) unless I really needed it. I was very careful to follow her instructions, wishing to give my baby the best chance of being born healthy.


In 2021, it was my turn to support my daughter who was having her first baby. I was happy to attend those first appointments with her eagerly sharing in this special time. Her pregnancy was advancing normally, and all systems were go. Then, during one of her appointments, the physician’s assistant (PA) said something that almost made me fall off my chair. She told my daughter that it was now time to give her some vaccines to immunize her developing fetus. Giving vaccines to a developing fetus, I had never heard of this, and it sounded strange. The PA explained that the nurse would give the shots in my daughter’s arm muscle so the vaccines would go through her blood stream, cross the placenta, and enter her baby’s blood stream through the umbilical cord. She would be receiving the Tdap vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine. My daughter and I looked at each other in shock. This was a far cry from the advice several decades earlier not to take a Tylenol unless you absolutely must.


When my daughter refused the vaccines because the Covid-19 vaccine was new and untested on pregnant women, the physician’s assistant said something that made us extremely concerned about her knowledge base. She said that the Covid-19 vaccine was just a weakened virus in some salt water and nothing to be alarmed about. She did not even know the brand she was promoting was in fact new and experimental mRNA technology which did not have final approval by the FDA at the time and had not been tested on pregnant women. She had no idea about mRNA technology or its mechanism of action in the body.


Needless to say, I was alarmed. This new technology was far from a weakened virus in sterile salt water. In addition, my daughter had been fully vaccinated as a child. My husband and I had dutifully followed the doctor’s orders without question back then. We didn’t do our own research, because we fully believed after eleven years of education and years of practice in the field, the pediatricians had completed thorough research on the medications they were ordering, including any vaccines. We trusted them completely.


I was shocked that a health care practitioner was recommending my daughter take a new technology not tested for safety on pregnant women and their developing babies. In the past, obstetricians didn’t want their patients to even take a Tylenol or cold medication, and suddenly, they were recommending a new experimental technology for pregnant women whose age group has a very low chance of death from Covid-19. This made no sense. There was no research regarding the effects on the developing baby before and after birth when my daughter was pregnant in 2021. Therefore, I continued to complete my own research on the subject, and what I discovered was alarming.


In 2022, more research data became available, and I searched for a source that was not supported by money from pharmaceutical companies and had no conflicts of interest with the World Health Organization (WHO) that developed guidelines with the stated intention of fully controlling all pandemics for member nations. These guidelines remove the national sovereignty of these countries to address pandemics within their own borders. Thus far, these guidelines have been voted down by the member nations (VOA, 2024). These developments made me even more concerned about the direction the WHO was taking. However, I found the reliable source I was looking for.


Naomi Wolf (2022) gathered a number of medical and health professionals and scientists who volunteered to review Pfizer’s own documents regarding what they discovered about pregnancy and the Covid vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not want this data revealed for 75 years. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was made, and a judge ordered the documents released. It was discovered that pregnant women had not been included in phases 1, 2 or 3 of the Pfizer Covid-19 trials. However, when the Covid-19 vaccine became available, they were recommended to receive it anyway. Below is what the safety data revealed when collected on women pregnant and nursing after being given mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. 

The FDA requires Pfizer to collect any publicly available data on adverse events related to vaccination once it goes to market. Confidential document (5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports) contains case reports for the first 68 days of vaccine rollout (from 12/20/2020 to 2/28/2021). The section covering pregnancy and lactation on pages 12-13, reveals that 20% of the 413 reported cases of adverse events were “serious.” These included 25 miscarriages, 5 fetal deaths as well as uterine contractions during pregnancy, preterm deliveries, premature rupture of membranes, and fetal growth restriction. Also included were serious and less serious adverse side effects of breast-fed babies that included infantile vomiting, fever, rash, agitation, and allergy to the vaccine. There were also 6 cases of women having adverse events who received COVID-19 vaccine while breast feeding; some of these include paresis (partial paralysis), suppressed lactation, breast pain, migraines, and breast milk discoloration. Pfizer’s response to the above alarming data was, “There were no safety signals that emerge from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy and while breast feeding” (DailyClout, 2022).


Even after this data was released, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continues to encourage vaccination for pregnant women. The CDC (2024) website states, “There is limited information available about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines for people who are pregnant, however, based on how these vaccines work in the body, experts believe they are unlikely to pose risk for pregnant people.” This is not the most reassuring statement I have ever read about a new medical product being given to pregnant women and their developing babies.


Any physicians taking a stand against pregnant women, or anyone for that matter, receiving the Covid vaccine may have had their hospital admitting privileges and even their license to practice threatened. The most courageous physicians had their licenses removed by their state medical boards, and they are fighting to have them reinstated. 


I searched professional academic literature for recent research, and it is full of conflicts of interests with the scientists involved with the CDC or the WHO (Pub Med, 2022). In addition, many research studies have funding from pharmaceutical companies. Even some physicians I talked with did not know the top position at the CDC is politically appointed by the President. The leader in the top position at the CDC is very influential in setting policy for the entire government agency. Currently, the US is the largest donor to the WHO (2024) with Bill Gates’ foundation being the second largest donor. Mr. Gates’ foundation (2024) has serious investments in virus technology as well as vaccine development. Please educate your health care practitioners. Many do not know and are not educated in their medical school or by their professional organization regarding these issues.


Pfizer’s own evidence proves the potential safety risks of pregnant women receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (DailyClout, 2022). We live in an age when profits are sometimes placed over safety. However, we also live in a time when access to information and knowledge is greater than it’s been in recorded history. Censorship is a constant threat from leaders and governments who do not want people to do their own research. It’s important to take advantage of this time to check the accuracy of what we’re being told by public health officials, scientists, and practitioners alike.


We must be our own health advocates when traversing the medical world by completing our own research of the evidence. This includes considering where the evidence is coming from and who is paying for it. My biostatistics professor in college clearly demonstrated to our class how easy it is to lie and mislead the public using statistics. We must support policies and laws that identify the wolves in sheep’s clothing and get the wolves out of the chicken pen. Then, we must hold these wolves accountable for their actions that have harmed people. And, if this means liquidating their assets to help those they have harmed, it’s been done before. They should no longer be allowed to hide behind a law that lets them say, "You can’t sue us no matter the destruction we have caused." The people must take a stand!


Having worked in the medical and health world for many years, I know that the vast majority of professionals who have devoted their lives to this field are good people who have care and compassion for their patients and truly want to “do no harm.” We must support them as well, as they were on the frontlines of this pandemic battle, being told the same information as the rest of us, and when they balked, physicians had their licenses threatened and some removed, and the nurses had their jobs threatened and many were fired. Too many nurses were pulled from the bedside of their very ill patients during a nursing shortage and perp-walked out the front door of their hospitals by security guards like a common criminal because they refused to comply with the Covid-19 injection mandates after completing their own research. Last but not least, pay close attention to your gut feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, it may not be right. When in doubt, check it out! 



Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (2024). Committed grants. Committed Grants | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

CDC. (2024). CDC recommendations before, during and after pregnancy. Vaccine Recommendations Before, During, and After Pregnancy | Pregnancy & Vaccines | CDC

DailyClout. (2022). COVID-19 vaccines & pregnancy: Risky business. Report 07: COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy: Risky Business - DailyClout

PubMed. (2022). Efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines - PubMed (

Voice of America (VOA). 2024. WHO negotiators fail to draft pandemic treaty. WHO negotiators fail to draft pandemic treaty (

WHO. (2024). Top contributors. Our contributors ( 


All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. The opinions expressed here are those of the author and not necessarily those of HEALNC.